For very dry, dermatitis, eczema-prone and atopic skin
Dryness, discomfort, irritation, and even nighttime itching don't have to be your reality! The Topialyse range comforts and soothes dry, very dry, and atopic skin of all ages, starting with newborns.
Topical emollients and ultra-gentle and nourishing cleanser products exert noticeable and scientifically backed anti-itch action while providing maximum comfort and tolerability to minimise sensitivity and reactions.
With Topialyse, soothing dry skin is a mission. Fussy, sore, itchy skin, we see you! 💓
Dryness, discomfort, irritation, and even nighttime itching don't have to be your reality! The Topialyse range comforts and soothes dry, very dry, and atopic skin of all ages, starting with newborns.
Topical emollients and ultra-gentle and nourishing cleanser products exert noticeable and scientifically backed anti-itch action while providing maximum comfort and tolerability to minimise sensitivity and reactions.
With Topialyse, soothing dry skin is a mission. Fussy, sore, itchy skin, we see you! 💓