Dry, rough, or scaly skin
Dry, scaly, psoriasis-prone skin, dry feet, and calluses—all these skin concerns stem from hyperkeratinization, where the skin produces too many cells too quickly. This buildup leads to patches, clogged pores (keratosis pilaris), and thickened skin.
Xerial smooths the skin and regulates keratinocyte overproduction with highly concentrated, urea-based formulas, ranging from 5% to 50%, depending on your skin’s needs. The higher the urea content, the greater the skin-turnover.
Suitable for sensitive skin, Xerial helps restore comfort and softness. 💙
Dry, scaly, psoriasis-prone skin, dry feet, and calluses—all these skin concerns stem from hyperkeratinization, where the skin produces too many cells too quickly. This buildup leads to patches, clogged pores (keratosis pilaris), and thickened skin.
Xerial smooths the skin and regulates keratinocyte overproduction with highly concentrated, urea-based formulas, ranging from 5% to 50%, depending on your skin’s needs. The higher the urea content, the greater the skin-turnover.
Suitable for sensitive skin, Xerial helps restore comfort and softness. 💙